大寒 daikan
Daikan -Great Cold-
Daikan is the coldest season of the year and is written as 'great cold' in Kanji. Mornings when you can't wake up― a north wind that makes your cheeks ache― people with biting hands and hunched backs― itchy chilblains on your feet―. In this region, people have been living such days since the onset of the cold.
Some days this year have been snowy, others warmer than usual. In the mountainous areas, rice fields are often located in the sun and, conversely, houses are often built in the shade. This is the way of life of people with a long history of rice cultivation in the mountains. It is dark and cold in the mountains at this time of year. The narrow mountain road I drove along earlier was fantastic, with the snow on the branches blown off by the wind glistening in the sunlight.
At this time of year, the Ena foothills have a language, culture and landscape that give us vitality. Vegetables with high sugar content that store sugar in their cells so that they do not freeze in the cold. There is a culture of 'kan-no-mizu'(cold water) and 'kan-geiko'(practice in cold). Rice cakes made with cold water are also called cold rice cakes. Cold water is used for 'kan-no-mizu', which has been valued by people as being very good for the body, as it contains low bacteria and does not spoil. This is the time of year when miso, soy sauce and sake are brewed at the foot of Mt Ena.


整備された通路から見えるコバルトブルーの滝つぼ、音、水しぶき、豊かな水がかたちを変えて流れていく様を見ながら、私たちの体の中にも60〜70%を水分が占めるということを思い出しました。この水で育つ米や野菜を食し、循環され雨になり雪にもなって自然と自分が一体化したような不思議な感覚を得ることができました。 水道の蛇口をひねれば飲める水が出てくる国は世界で十数国しかないともいわれます。大寒にこんなにも澄んだ水がとどまることがなく流れていることに感謝し、この先もこの美しさが続くことを祈りました。
Ryujin Waterfall
This year's zodiac sign is the Year of the Dragon. Although the dragon is a non-existent zodiac sign, it has been depicted and worshipped in the same form in many parts of Japan for a long time. Legends of dragons exist in many parts of the world, and one can't help but wonder if they really exist.
And as a place where the Year of the Dragon, the waters of the Great Cold and the foot of Mount Ena are connected, we visited the Yumori Valley "Dragon God Falls" in Nakatsugawa City. The rapid Kawakami River joins the Kiso River, creating a number of waterfalls. The Ryujin Falls are designated as Gifu Prefecture's famous waterfall. Legend has it that a white dragon lives in this river and that its colour changes seven times a day.
The sound of the waterfall can be heard when you arrive at Yumori Gorge. The sound of the waterfall is said to be white noise, which has the effect of overriding the sound that is grating to you and making it less bothersome.
As I watched the cobalt blue cascade, the sound, the spray and the abundant water changing shape and flowing through the well-maintained pathway, I was reminded that our bodies also contain 60-70% water. Eating the rice and vegetables grown with this water, and watching it circulate and turn into rain and snow, gave me a strange feeling of being one with nature.
It is said that there are only a dozen countries in the world where you can find drinkable water when you turn on the tap. I was grateful that such clear water was flowing in the Great Cold without stopping, and prayed that this beauty would continue in the future.
私たちは恵那山のふもとでフリーペーパーを発行している任意団体です。本当の意味で“誰一人取り残されない”のは季節の移り変わりではないでしょうか。また美しい自然から、地域の強みや魅力を教えられているのは、私たちだとも感じています。 心を豊かにするこの地域のひとときを二十四節氣とともに発信。そしてこの地のスタートアップから、インタビューや寄稿を通したコンテンツは、恵那山の頂きより「ヤッホー!」と叫ぶように、多くの人々に届いたらいいなと思っています。 We are a voluntary organization that publishes free papers at the foot of Mt. Ena. Isn't it the change of seasons that truly means that no one is left behind? I also feel that we are the ones who are taught the strengths and charms of the region by the beautiful nature. We will transmit a moment of this region that enriches the mind with 24 seasons. And I hope that the content through interviews and contributions from startups in this area will reach as many people as possible like shouting "Yo-ho!" from the top of Mt. Ena.