啓蟄 けいちつ
In Japan, there is a calendar called the "nijyu-shi-sekki(24seasons)" which is related to the amount of light reaching the Earth. It divides the four seasons into six segments and further divides them into 24 equal parts. Each segment is given an appropriate name for the season. We want people to feel the natural time apart from the clock's hands. From early March, it's called "Keichitsu," the time when insects that have been hibernating start to move around.


Plum Blossoms and Wild Birds
In Japan, plum blossoms are at their best from late February. They are deeply rooted in Japanese culture and landscapes, often described as having "beautiful flowers, delightful fragrance, and delicious fruits."
Wild birds also become active. In Japanese proverbs, there's a saying "ume ni uguisu," which means "a bush warbler in plum blossoms," signifying a perfect combination. However, because bush warblers are quite wary, they aren't easily seen.
It's a season where one can feel the allure of beautiful birds and flowers, experiencing the emotions and richness of Japanese culture.
私たちは恵那山のふもとでフリーペーパーを発行している任意団体です。本当の意味で“誰一人取り残されない”のは季節の移り変わりではないでしょうか。また美しい自然から、地域の強みや魅力を教えられているのは、私たちだとも感じています。 心を豊かにするこの地域のひとときを二十四節氣とともに発信。そしてこの地のスタートアップから、インタビューや寄稿を通したコンテンツは、恵那山の頂きより「ヤッホー!」と叫ぶように、多くの人々に届いたらいいなと思っています。 We are a voluntary organization that publishes free papers at the foot of Mt. Ena. Isn’t it the change of seasons that truly means that no one is left behind? I also feel that we are the ones who are taught the strengths and charms of the region by the beautiful nature. We will transmit a moment of this region that enriches the mind with 24 seasons. And I hope that the content through interviews and contributions from startups in this area will reach as many people as possible like shouting “Yo-ho!” from the top of Mt. Ena.