冬至 touji

Touji-Winter Solstice
The winter solstice, written as “the arrival of winter” in Japanese, marks the darkest day of the year. Yet, it is also the day that heralds the beginning of new light. From this point onward, the days gradually grow longer, guiding us toward spring. It reminds us that no matter how long our days of darkness may seem, light will inevitably come.
Fall Down Seven Times, Get Up Eight
I visited the only ice skating rink in Gifu Prefecture, Crystal Park Ena Skating Rink. Every year, the rink is meticulously prepared with a special sheet, and ice craftsmen spend sleepless nights spraying water to create the perfect surface. In every craft, artisans dedicate themselves tirelessly to honing their skills. This year, with the unusually warm winter, the task of building the rink must have been challenging.
In Ena City, all elementary and junior high school students have outdoor skating lessons as part of their curriculum. On this day, too, under a perfectly clear sky, elementary school students were cheerfully gliding across the ice. What stood out most was how adept they were—not just at skating but at falling. They fell gracefully, catching themselves with their hands, knees, or even their bottoms, then quickly stood up and skated off with ease. Watching them enjoy this extraordinary activity with their whole bodies left a strong impression on me.
Such childhood memories have a way of lingering, I realized. I felt certain that Ena City’s sole skating rink would remain a beloved place for children in the years to come. The winter solstice, a pivotal point of beginnings, seemed to align perfectly with this visit. It felt as though the ice craftsmen and children alike had taught me the importance of a strong, steady start.
私たちは恵那山のふもとでフリーペーパーを発行している任意団体です。本当の意味で“誰一人取り残されない”のは季節の移り変わりではないでしょうか。また美しい自然から、地域の強みや魅力を教えられているのは、私たちだとも感じています。 心を豊かにするこの地域のひとときを二十四節氣とともに発信。そしてこの地のスタートアップから、インタビューや寄稿を通したコンテンツは、恵那山の頂きより「ヤッホー!」と叫ぶように、多くの人々に届いたらいいなと思っています。 We are a voluntary organization that publishes free papers at the foot of Mt. Ena. Isn't it the change of seasons that truly means that no one is left behind? I also feel that we are the ones who are taught the strengths and charms of the region by the beautiful nature. We will transmit a moment of this region that enriches the mind with 24 seasons. And I hope that the content through interviews and contributions from startups in this area will reach as many people as possible like shouting "Yo-ho!" from the top of Mt. Ena.